With all of the benefits of collagen, we have collagen product domains that will brand your business. In fact, we have collagen domains that focus on sprays, mists, and powders. First of all, collagen sprays and mists have clinically shown to smooth out wrinkles and plump out the appearance of fine lines. These collagen products are so popular, you’ll find them in high end beauty stores and online health companies. With that being said, if your business sells a collagen spray facial mist, these collagen domains are for you.
Our collagen product domains:
So how do our collagen product domains compare to similar recently sold domains? Perfumespray.com sold for $2,000, Collagenpowder.com at $1,000, and Nutraspray.com sold for $1,288. As you can see, our the domains with the words “collagen”, “spray”, and “powder” are highly valued which increases the value of the domains. More importantly, our domains are very easy to remember and have good type in traffic. For this reason, we feel our collagen domains will be a perfect fit for the right health or beauty business.
To purchase either of these domains, you can click on the links above or through this link that displays our available domains for purchase.