Sedo Eliminates Minimum Fees For Domain Sellers

Now that Sedo eliminates minimum fees on domain sales, domain listers will earn more money.

Sedo Eliminates Minimum Fees

For domain sellers, news that Sedo eliminates minimum fees is great news. Case in point, if you sold a domain name for a few hundred dollars in the past, you paid a $60 fee. As you can see, this would hardly be worth the effort to sell a domain through Sedo. However, those days are gone, you only pay a commission now that Sedo eliminates minimum fees on domain sales.

It’s always a good day when a large company like Sedo listens to their customers. So how will this all look at the end of the day? To illustrate, take a look at the following example.

#1 – Before the elimination of the fee: You could sell a domain name on Sedo for $100, you would pay Sedo $60 and profit $40 (minus the registration and any hosting fees).

#2 – After the Sedo minimum fee: You sell a domain on Sedo for $100, you now pay a commission at 10%, so you profit $90 (minus the registration and any hosting fees).

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that a $90 is better than a $40 profit.

With that being said, will you start to list more domain names through Sedo? Send us a message on Twitter, and let us know @jasonbpedersen or on Facebook at BrandableDomainGuide.

As always, you can read our other related website domain auction news by clicking here.