We have a great way to brand your BBQ business with ribs. Our domain AllYouCanEatRibs.com is available for purchase and it’s perfect for a BBQ business that specializes in ribs. We purchased this domain back in July, of 2019, the term #AllYouCanEatRibs was a nationwide trending phrase.
Furthermore, the #AllYouCanEatRibs happens to be popular on Instagram as well. In fact, there are over 3,500 posts using this hashtag currently on Instagram. As most restaurant owners know, their audience loves going to Instagram to post their food pictures, which makes this domain a must buy.
For instance, the domain AllYouCanEat.com is valued at over $7,000. However it’s currently not being used by a all you can eat business to promote themselves. This is why we feel a BBQ location would benefit and stand out from the competition with this domain as the place to eat ribs.
Brand your BBQ today, and inquire about purchasing AllYouCanEatRibs.com from us. We would love to hear from you and helping brand your BBQ business.
To look over other domains, take a look here.