This domain name acronyms guide is a helpful guide for domain investing beginners. Secondly, this domain acronyms guide is a helpful reminder for those that have been selling domain names for a few years that still get tripped up on these acronyms. So what are the domain name acronyms that you need to focus on? Take a look at this list and if need be print it out as a helpful reminder.
- WTB – Want To Buy
- BIN – Buy It Now
- DNF – Domain Name Forum
- TDRP – Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy
- DNS – Domain Name System
- IDN – Internationalized Domain Name
- UDRP – Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
- LLL – 3 Letter Domain Names
- LLLL – 4 Letter Domain Names
- NNN – 3 Number Domain Names
- NNNN – 4 Number Domain Names
- 3L – 3 Letter
- 4L – 4 Letter
- 3N – 3 Number
- 4N – 4 Number
Along with the domain name acronyms below, please also refer to our most common top level extensions blog post, just click here.
To get a very large list of domain name acronyms, take a look here.
We hope you find our domain name acronyms guide helpful. We will look at other domain name acronyms that might be helpful and update this page when we see fit. Let us know what you think on our Facebook page, @BrandableDomainGuide.