As of January 3rd, 2020, ICANN allows price increases on all .com domain names registered. While visiting Namecheap.com, we read an interesting article breaking this down. What does all of this mean for anyone registering .com domain names? In short, you can expect to pay up to 70% more then the current .com wholesale prices.
What is more, this deal was made secretly with Verisign without touching base with anyone in the ICANN community. The good news is that the Namecheap team will be fighting for the entire domainer community.
So what’s the breakdown in the .COM price increase?
As an illustration, Verisign will be allowed to increase the pricing by 7% on .COM domain names. The pricing will start to increase in 2020, and continue through 2023. What’s more, Verisign can further increase those prices another 7% during the years 2026-2029. All in all, those price increases will total 70% more than the current wholesale .com prices.
So why was the deal made?
In short, it all comes down to ICANN making more money. To be brief, ICANN will profit an additional $20 million. Furthermore, Verisign can now act as a domain registrar with this new contract. What this means is that Verisign will now compete right up against each domain registrars.
Is there anything that can be done?
If you want to speak up and have your voice heard, please visit the .COM registry agreement by visiting here. By having your voice heard, hopefully the majority will let ICANN know how everyone feels about this. If you don’t want price increases for .COM domain names, you need to submit your comment today through February, 14 2020.
As always, you can also leave your comments on our Facebook page @BrandableDomainGuide. Also, please be sure to check out our other blog posts regarding website domain topics by clicking here.